So it's not all about kegels?

What is a mobile practice?

Great news, I come to you! So cancel that sitter, relax, and no need to change out of PJs (or kids)! I bring all the equipment we need to your home.

You will never feel rushed during your appointments. The beauty of time is given to me as a one-on-one physical therapist. So this is what makes Midwest Pelvic Health special. Baby is crying? Need to change a diaper in the middle of the session? I totally get it. MOM. LIFE.

What should I expect at my first visit?

The initial evaluation is a lot of information gathering. It is a 75-minute long session, where you will discuss your history, concerns, symptoms and any questions you have. After gathering information, an initial assessment is performed, which includes posture, movement patterns, range of motion, pelvic alignment, external pelvic girdle/hip musculature strength, and internal pelvic floor muscle assessment to assess the muscle strength, tone and function of your pelvic floor muscles.

An internal vaginal and/or rectal muscle assessment is only performed with your written and verbal consent AND only if you are comfortable. If wish to defer for a future visit or not at all, that is your decision and that is ok.

How many visits do I need to feel better?

This one is tough to answer without an evaluation. Commonly, most patients see an improvement with their symptoms and overall function between 4-6 visits. Pelvic health patients are generally seen once a week for a month, then every other week for 2-6 additional visits. It is common to see a significant improvement after 6 visits. On the other hand, some patients find that a monthly visit ("tune-up") keeps them functioning at a desirable level and schedule as needed.

Everyone is different! Some patients feel they're better in 2 visits and some patients get there after 12 visits.

Do you accept insurance?

Midwest Pelvic Health is a fee-for-service provider. This means payment is due at time of service (ex: cash, credit card, check, Venmo, flexible savings accounts or health savings accounts). Upon request, I can provide you with a medical receipt (aka "superbill") with all the important details to file an "out of network" reimbursement with your insurance company. I work with every patient to make sure your plan of care is within your budget and lifestyle.

If you are interested in learning more about your "out of network" reimbursement, please reach out to your insurance provider and ask what their coverage is for "out of network physical therapy." This is the patient's responsibility.

With Midwest Pelvic Health being out of network, it allows us to spend more quality one-on-one care without patients ever feeling rushed.

Do I need a referral?

No! With Illinois being a direct-access state, you are able to be evaluated by a physical therapist without having to see a physician first. I communicate closely with healthcare providers and will provide your evaluation and progression with them. If I find anything concerning or progress is lacking, I will refer you to follow-up with your medical provider.

FYI: If you plan on seeking reimbursement from insurance, your insurance provider may require a physician's referral.

Why do I need to do an internal exam after I saw my OB/GYN last week?

Pelvic exams done by a pelvic floor physical therapist is different from what your medical provider would perform. While OB/GYNs may check for infection and abnormal tissues (such as precancerous cells), a physical therapist would be examining muscle function. To be specific, I examine the health of your musculature such as muscle strength, endurance, reflexes, coordination of contraction and relaxation, and muscle tone. If I come across any red flags, such as infected or abnormal tissues, I may refer you back to your referring provider.

What if I am on my period?

Don't let Aunt Flo stop you! There are so many other treatment options if you are not comfortable with internal work. For example, there are techniques that can be done externally (on abdomen or pelvis, as well as over clothes), therapeutic exercises and educational chats we can have. While inflammatory prostaglandins are at the highest during menstruation, internal work may be most beneficial depending on your goals and comfort.

Still don't know if pelvic floor PT is for you? Take this quiz.